pagination in ADF table was very requested feature after Jdev & ADF 10g.
now in 12C again it is here and quite simple
now in 12C again it is here and quite simple
- Created a fusion web application using Departments table of HR Schema and dropped it on page as ADF table
- now suppose i want to show pagination after 5 rows so to achieve this follow these steps
- Select table in structure window and go to property inspector change it's scrollPolicy to page ,scrollPolicy is mechanism to scroll data inside table
- Now select table on page and go to binding tab and select IteratorBinding of Departments table and change rangeSize to 5, by default it is 25 (means fetched 25 rows at a time)
- set autoheightRows to 0 and styleClass to AFStretchWidth and you are done now run your page
- It works good in mozilla ,chrome and IE, but sometimes you can face a problem of finding current row as it may be in second page :-(