This post I will try to focus on how we can make validations in an editable table more effectively.
So what would we do if we have two attributes in a row in a table and we need to validate one on the basis of the other?
The answer is simple.
On putting less value in newSalaryTrans
So what would we do if we have two attributes in a row in a table and we need to validate one on the basis of the other?
The answer is simple.
- We will get the instance of the viewObject
- Then get the current row
- Then we will get the attribute with which we need to compare and then we will compare and check the validation.
This process is fine, but i have a more easy and effective way to do so.
I have created a Transient attribute in EmployeeVO where the newSalary
of the Employee is to be entered. We have to make sure that the new
Salary is greater than old salary.
Drag the EmployeeVO into the page. Then add an af:attribute component in
the inputText of newSalaryTrans . Give attribute name and a value here i
have used 'oldSal' and assigned with value of old Salary i.e.
Now we need to implement the validation and for that I created a Validator on the NewSalaryTrans field.
In the bean I have used the code given below :
public void newSalaryVAL(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uIComponent, Object object) { Object val = uIComponent.getAttributes().get("oldSal"); System.out.println("New Sal is : "+object+" Old Sal is : "+val); if(val != null){ BigDecimal oldVal = (BigDecimal)val; BigDecimal newVal = (BigDecimal)object; if(oldVal.compareTo(newVal) >=0 ){ throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("New Salary Cannnot be less than Old Salary!")); } } }