This post talks about two requirements-
- Want to highlight modified rows only on page
- Want to get modified rows in managed bean
- New
- Modified
- Un-Modified
- Initialized
/* this expression returns state of current row in collection such as table or treeTable*/ #{row.row.entities[0].entityState} /*here row is reference variable of collection, this expression returns an int value if it is 2-Modified 0-New 1-Unmodified -1-Initialized */
- I'm using Departments table of HR Schema to implement this sample app
- after business components configuration ,Drop departments VO from data control on page as af:table
- Now to check row status , i have written following expression in inline style of af:column of af:table, so that it can check state of all rows of table
- Now Run your page and change any value of table
#{row.row.entities[0].entityState==2 ? 'background-color:orange' : row.row.entities[0].entityState==0 ? 'background-color:darkgreen' : ''}
- Now you are done with first requirement , if we talk about second one, in case you want to get all modified rows in managed bean to perform some operation
- To achieve this i have used a transient attribute in Departments view Object to store state of each row
- Now in RowImpl of departments viewobject i have to write some code to get current state of Row, see the getter method of transient attribute in RowImpl
- Now i have placed a button on page to get all modified rows and show a message on page through managed bean
- See the method written in ApplicationModuleImpl class and then exposed to client to be used in managed bean action event
- Now call this method in managed bean through Binding Layer
- Now again run this page and change some departments then click on get modified rows, it will show currently modified rows
/** * Gets the attribute value for the calculated attribute CheckRowStatus. * @return the CheckRowStatus */ public Integer getCheckRowStatus() { byte entityState = this.getEntity(0).getEntityState(); return new Integer(entityState); // return (Integer) getAttributeInternal(CHECKROWSTATUS); }
/**Method to get all modified rows and store corresponding Department Name in an ArrayList * @return */ public ArrayList<String> getModifiedRows() { ArrayList<String> deptNm = new ArrayList<String>(); ViewObject deptVo = this.getDepartmentsView1(); RowSetIterator deptIter = deptVo.createRowSetIterator(null); while (deptIter.hasNext()) { Row nextRow =; if (nextRow.getAttribute("CheckRowStatus") != null) { Integer rowStatus = (Integer)nextRow.getAttribute("CheckRowStatus"); if (rowStatus == 2) { deptNm.add(nextRow.getAttribute("DepartmentName").toString()); } } } return deptNm; }
/**Method to get BindingContainer of current page * @return */ public BindingContainer getBindings() { return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry(); } /**Method to call AM method and to show modified rows on page in FacesMessage * @param actionEvent */ public void getModifiedRows(ActionEvent actionEvent) { OperationBinding ob = getBindings().getOperationBinding("getModifiedRows"); ob.execute(); if (ob.getResult() != null) { ArrayList<String> deptName = (ArrayList<String>)ob.getResult(); StringBuilder saveMsg = new StringBuilder("<html><body><b><p style='color:red'>Modified Rows in Departments table are-</p></b>"); saveMsg.append("<ul>"); for (String name : deptName) { System.out.println(name); saveMsg.append("<li> <b>" + name + "</b></li>"); } saveMsg.append("</ul><br>"); saveMsg.append("</body></html>"); FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(saveMsg.toString()); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg); } }